one 2019-02-21 08:49:50

Topic: Input/output error during segmentation creation; can no longer see drive.

Hello, I utilize to accept a 3TB external hard drive formatted in NTFS.

In GParted I attempted to change the bulldoze into an ext4 drive simply, in the process, ran into an input/output mistake.
Get-go I deleted the drive's partitions, and so created a new partition table (Device --> Create Sectionalization Table.) Once the new division tabular array was created, I created a new ext4 partition.

Problem is while GParted was creating a new ext4 partition I got an "Input/output error during write on /dev/sdb" error. Now I can no longer even run across the drive in GParted, or with these commands:

The drive utilise to show itself in the command line with those commands, but non any more than.

I suspect that this error may take been acquired past the fact that I deleted a MS Windows segmentation on a GNU/Linux machine. After encountering this error, I read on the Ubuntu forums that messing effectually with Windows partitions on GNU/Linux can cause errors just like this 1.

Is there any style to find the bulldoze again, and set up it in GNU/Linux? Or should I just wait until I can get a windows machine to try to find the bulldoze?

Thank you in advance for your time! smile

For reference, here's the GParted error message: … auEPeixhtC

Edit: mfleetwo: Add together text from linked gparted_details

                    GParted 0.25.0 --enable-libparted-dmraid --enable-online-resize  Libparted iii.2 Create Master Partition #1 (ext4, 2.73 TiB) on /dev/sdb  00:26:14    ( ERROR )           create empty division  00:26:xiv    ( ERROR ) libparted letters    ( INFO )           Input/output error during write on /dev/sdb Input/output mistake during write on /dev/sdb Input/output fault during write on /dev/sdb Input/output fault during write on /dev/sdb Error fsyncing/closing /dev/sdb: Input/output error Error opening /dev/sdb: No such file or directory Error opening /dev/sdb: No such file or directory  ========================================                  

two 2019-02-21 12:01:17

Re: Input/output error during partition creation; can no longer come across bulldoze.

"Input/output fault" messages are commonly associated with hardware errors like bad sectors, faulting cables / connectors, perchance a faulty power supply or even more than severe bug similar a dying hard deejay.

So I would suggest to check the hardware: disconnect / reconnect power and information cables (SATA ? ) , and check the SMART data of the drive by the command

                    sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdb                  

(from a terminal window every bit root). It gives the eventual hardware bug with the drive as well every bit a "health" evaluation.

Another point is related to the partition table type: to make partitions bigger than 2 TiB (2.73 in your case) you have to use the GUID partition table (GPT) type, not the legacy msdos type. So, if you accept made an msdos partition table, this could be an error source. As you accept nothing on the drive, yous can create a new segmentation table as GPT and attempt over again.

*** It is highly recommended to backup whatever important files earlier doing resize/motility operations. ***

3 2019-02-22 04:38:fifty (edited past ilikecats 2019-02-22 05:01:xl)

Re: Input/output mistake during sectionalization creation; can no longer come across drive.

Hello class413 cheers for your helpful respond!
Reconnecting the cable connectors helped! big_smile I tin now encounter the drive with commands like "sudo fdisk -l" over again. Sometimes I don't see the drive, and I see it later I reconnect the cablevision.
The external hard bulldoze is connected to the computer by USB. The drive'south disklabel type is gpt.

                    sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdb                  

Returned this:

                    smartctl six.five 2016-01-24 r4214 [x86_64-linux-four.four.0-141-lowlatency] (local build) Copyright (C) 2002-sixteen, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,  Read Device Identity failed: scsi fault device volition be fix soon  A mandatory SMART command failed: exiting. To continue, add one or more '-T permissive' options.                  

I'grand not sure how to enable SMART. After I plug in the external hard drive correctly, gparted takes a long time to load the drives and then gives this fault bulletin as a pop-up: "Remote I/O error during write on /dev/sdb." I guess this is the drive's mistake.

4 2019-02-22 15:01:39

Re: Input/output error during segmentation creation; can no longer run into drive.

USB is normally supported by smartctl nether Linux (except perhaps some old kernels in the past).
I read that there was no error message while creating the new sectionalisation table. The error message appeared when trying to create the new partition. So, something happened between the two operations, or in that location is something incorrect in the place where the new partition's sectors are located.

You can repeat the entire procedure, past creating a new GUID division table, and next create a new segmentation for half of the entire deejay infinite.

Another check is to run the command dmesg (equally root) in the final.

You run the command, and after that yous plug the external bulldoze's USB connector. The terminal will display everything the organization tries to do, including drive connection and any errors encountered. When the system recognizes and connects the bulldoze, y'all'll see something related appearing in the terminal window. If y'all encounter the system trying over again and over again with no success, then probably something wrong happens with the device.

If the bulldoze is connected, yous can run the smartctl command (from some other window). The dmesg final will go on to monitor the activity and give further messages.

In case the USB controller of the hard bulldoze isn't compatible with smartctl , you can look for whatever special check tool provided by the bulldoze'due south manufacturer. Western Digital, Seagate and other manufacturers offer such tools in their support web pages.

*** It is highly recommended to backup any important files before doing resize/motion operations. ***

5 2019-02-22 xvi:25:56

Re: Input/output error during partition cosmos; tin can no longer see bulldoze.

Another thing to attempt, just in case the drive isn't fully supported:
Employ the '-T permissive' option according the fault study.
The error message is:

                    A mandatory SMART command failed: exiting. To continue, add one or more '-T permissive' options.                  

Device's firmware isn't always fully compatible with the software. Norms often change, and manufacturers frequently implement their own (documented or not) commands. So, these "failures" appear.
The -T option ways "tolerance" to control failures. The default setting is
-T normal

The available arguments for this option are:
conservative, normal, permissive, verypermissive
verypermissive will ignore any failure and endeavor farther.
permissive will ignore the first failure.
And then, you can attempt

                    sudo smartctl -a -T permissive  /dev/sdb  or   sudo smartctl -a -T verypermissive  /dev/sdb                  

to meet if you can become anything more. Of course, you don't have to fully trust the output, however it can requite some indication.

*** It is highly recommended to fill-in any of import files before doing resize/move operations. ***

6 2019-03-06 02:49:29

Re: Input/output fault during partition creation; can no longer see bulldoze.

Hello lamentable for the late reply.
I would simply similar to marking this thread as resolved since I found some other satisfactory mode to gear up the drive for at present. I'k not actually sure how to marking posts as "resolved" withal though.

Thanks then much for your willingness to help me.

7 2019-03-06 x:48:35

Re: Input/output error during partition cosmos; can no longer see drive.

Yous can edit your initial mail service to add together [SOLVED] in the thread'south title.

*** It is highly recommended to fill-in any important files before doing resize/motion operations. ***